Finding your way to a university you don’t know for an event can be a bit daunting. That’s we have made this page: to give you a quick overview of how to get at the locations you need to get without the need to navigate through many Google searches and webpages. Obviously, we cannot describe exactly how to get to every room, but using this information will make it easy to go up until the place where you simply can follow some arrows to the correct room 🙂


All our events at ETH take place either on the Zentrum campus or on the Hönggerberg campus. If you need to be on the Zentrum Campus, you either need to be at the HG building (the main building) or at the Student Project House. There is one exception to this: the event “Seeing the city a plant at a time” takes place at the HAC building. On Hönggerberg our events take place on the Stefano-Fransiscini-Platz, the VELOVE Velowerkstatt and the HPH-building, D- Hall.

Before going into the details of the locations which require some description, there is one general tip for all of them: download the “ETH Zürich” app. This app includes a very good map where you can look up every building and the schematics of them. It even shows your current location so you can always find your way to the correct building 🙂

ETH Zentrum: Main building

The main building (HG) is the biggest building on the Zentrum Campus and can be reached from either the Polyterrasse or Rämistrasse, across the hospital. Once you are inside, finding the room might be quite a challenge, but using the app or the directions in the building, this should be no problem. If you don’t find it, you can always ask the receptionist in the main hall (closest to the Rämistrasse entrance). They will definitely help you out!

ETH Zentrum: Building HAC

Building HAC is at Häldeliweg 19, 8044 Zürich. The event itself takes place in the greenhouse in the building. Should be easy enough to find once you are in the building 🙂

PH Zürich

Most events at PH Zürich take place in the LAB Building. Another takes place at the LAC Building and there is one event where you will need to go to the front of the LAA Building, there is no exact google maps location of this building, but you can find a nice map with an overview of the buildings here.


The events at UZH take place either at the Irchel campus or the Zentrum Campus in the main building. The main help for all the locations here is probably this page on their website, where you have a nice overview of all campuses and the rooms (if you click on a campus you can see a little map appearing, beneath the map you can find a link to a more detailed one where you can find information on all rooms).

Using that website, you will be able to find every room you need to be. There are only a couple of exceptions: the Strebergärtli (which you can easily find through the Google Maps link) and the Blauer Platz which you will not be able to find through the website.

Blauer Platz

The Blauer Platz is a location at the Irchel campus where you will assemble for the Bienen, Biodiversität in Zürich event. This ”Blue Square” is located outside and can almost not be missed if you walk to Irchel as the entire floor is blue.


All our events at ZHdK take place at the Toni-Areal campus. There is just one building and if you want, you can navigate through it and some of the locations on this webpage.


There is one event that takes place at ZHAW, at campus Reidbach building RT. Here you can find a link to a map that shows the location of the buildings relative to each other.


The “Zentrum for Knowledge on Sustainable Development” (ZKSD) is a new location where some of our events will also take place this year. It is located at Hardstrasse 235, 8005 Zürich on the third floor. Below you can find an image of the entrance of the building (from Google Street View, it is a bit outdated).

External locations

Some events take place outside university grounds or ZKSD. If that is the case, you can always find all the information you need to get there on the event page itself 🙂