The events are the main part of our organization. Here, you can see all events that are coming up. In the weeks leading to our Sustainability Week, all our events will show up here, or you can also check then in our program.
Out of the Sustainability Week, here you can also find some information here about the meetings outside of the week that are open to anyone that wants to help us. You can also find them in our meetings page.
On Thursday 21st November 2024, 7pm, in ETH HG E1.1 we are hosting a Panel Discussion on
” Short-termism , how not to sacrifice long-term goals for short-term benefits”
A world faced with pandemics, geopolitical crises and ever faster-paced technology struggles to keep up attention on long-term goals, such as the mitigation of the effects related to the climate crisis. We are curious to learn more and discuss about this topic with representatives from
- Ion Karagounis – Head of New Economic Models and Future Issues – WWF
- A representative from Alternative Bank Switzerland
- Nora Ernst – Co-Präsidentin Grunliberale Kanton Zürich
- Rahel Estermann – Generalsekretärin Grüne Schweiz
We hope that you are equally intrigued by this topic and the guests and would be amazed to see many of you around! 😊 After the discussion, we will prepare a small apéro to continue conversations in a more casual way.
Looking forward to see you!